Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Prevalence Of Mental Health - 976 Words

The physical and mental health of homeless individuals is considerably worse than that of the general population. The prevalence of mental health disorder is astronomically higher among the homeless population. The use of alcohol abuse is usually associated with one or two other psychological disorders. There are many people who have outside issues as well such as physical abuse, antisocial, and sexual abuse. Their motivation to get out of being homeless is usually poor because of poor motivation, no support system, and depression. Substance abuse can be attributed to about fifty percent of the homeless population. Homeless individuals are three times more likely to have alcohol-use disorder compared with the general population (Keane, Magee, and Lee 2015). Alcohol is also usually associated with anxiety and depression disorders and it can lead to criminal behaviors or even suicide. Alcohol use can a contributor or the result of being homeless, many people use alcohol as a form of co ping. People who have experienced child abuse are more likely to develop a substance abuse disorder at a later age. It shows that the homeless population have experienced abuse or other traumatic incident in their life. The more likely someone is to recall a traumatic childhood experience the more likely they were to consume alcohol. Alcohol and abuse are very much related. So is low economic burden being of low wage household increases all these factors. 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